The Network has ten partners – seven from academia and three from industry. It provides the required range of expertise needed. The Academic Partners are laboratories at the forefront of biomedical research, working on, amongst other topics, several aspects of cancer and cardiovascular disease and most of their medical and nursing works you can read here. The Industrial Partner, AstraZeneca, has major interest in development of drugs and signalling through the CaSR. Amgen ltd., one of the associate partners, produces Cinacalcet, first and only allosteric modulator of a GPCR available on the market. Together the partners provide a mass of expertise across the range of skills required for Translational Science. The Associated Partners involved in training are instrumental in providing practical training topics or methodologies. All participants in the Multifaceted CaSR Network (PIs and ESRs) will profit from the experience of online cooperation provided by FHJ. AHT-Management Kft. will bring the specialist expertise of a Management Consultancy well versed in Management Systems.
- Medizinische Universität Wien, Austria
- Université de Picardie Jules Verne, France
- Cardiff University, United Kingdom
- University of Oxford, United Kingdom
- Vrije Universiteit, The Netherlands
- University of Florence, Italy
- AstraZeneca UK Limited, United Kingdom
Associated Partners
- Amgen GmbH, Austria
- FH JOANNEUM GmbH, Austria
- AHT Management Kft, Hungary